[Pkg] The Trunk: MorphicExtras-tpr.340.mcz

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Mon Jan 16 01:58:18 UTC 2023

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-tpr.340
Author: tpr
Time: 15 January 2023, 5:58:13.807896 pm
UUID: b7a3b5ab-6aa5-4d19-bf3a-90a7c22110d9
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-tpr.339

Remove some variable shadowing

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-tpr.339 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BookMorph>>insertPageColored: (in category 'insert and delete') -----
  insertPageColored: aColor 
  	"Insert a new page for the receiver, using the given color as its background color"
+ 	| pageExtent newPage newPageBorderWidth backgroundColor |
+ 	currentPage
+ 		ifNil: 
+ 			[pageExtent := pageSize.
+ 			newPageBorderWidth := 0.
+ 			backgroundColor := Color blue muchLighter]
+ 		ifNotNil: 
+ 			[pageExtent := currentPage extent.
+ 			newPageBorderWidth := currentPage borderWidth.
+ 			backgroundColor := currentPage borderColor].
+ 	newPagePrototype
+ 		ifNil: 
+ 			[newPage := PasteUpMorph new.
- 	| pageExtent newPage borderWidth backgroundColor |
- 	backgroundColor := currentPage isNil 
- 				ifTrue: 
- 					[pageExtent := pageSize.
- 					borderWidth := 0.
- 					Color blue muchLighter]
- 				ifFalse: 
- 					[pageExtent := currentPage extent.
- 					borderWidth := currentPage borderWidth.
- 					currentPage borderColor].
- 	newPagePrototype ifNil: 
- 			[newPage := (PasteUpMorph new)
- 						extent: pageExtent;
- 						color: aColor.
+ 				extent: pageExtent;
+ 				color: aColor;
+ 				borderWidth: newPageBorderWidth;
- 				borderWidth: borderWidth;
  				borderColor: backgroundColor]
  		ifNotNil: [newPage := Cursor wait showWhile: [newPagePrototype veryDeepCopy]].
  	newPage setNameTo: self defaultNameStemForNewPages.
  	newPage vResizeToFit: false.
  	pages isEmpty 
  		ifTrue: [pages add: (currentPage := newPage)]
  		ifFalse: [pages add: newPage after: currentPage].
  	self nextPage!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectsTool>>highlightOnlySubmorph:in: (in category 'tabs') -----
  highlightOnlySubmorph: aMorph in: anotherMorph
  	"Distinguish only aMorph with border highlighting (2-pixel wide red); make all my other submorphs have one-pixel-black highlighting.  This is a rather special-purpose and hard-coded highlighting regime, of course.  Later, if someone cared to do it, we could parameterize the widths and colors via properties, or some such."
+ 	anotherMorph submorphs do:
+ 		[:m | | newColor |
+ 	 	newColor := m == aMorph
+ 				ifTrue: [self buttonActiveColor]
+ 				ifFalse: [self buttonColor].
- 	anotherMorph submorphs do: [:m | | color |
- 	 	color := m == aMorph ifTrue: [self buttonActiveColor] ifFalse: [self buttonColor].
+ 			borderWidth: 1;
+ 			borderColor: newColor. 
+ 		m firstSubmorph color: newColor]
+ !
- 			borderWidth: 1 px;
- 			borderColor: color. 
- 		m firstSubmorph color: color]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SketchEditorMorph>>initializeFor:inBounds:pasteUpMorph: (in category 'initialization') -----
  initializeFor: aSketchMorph inBounds: boundsToUse pasteUpMorph: aPasteUpMorph
  	"Initialize the receiver to edit the given sketchMorph in the given bounds, with the resulting object to reside in the given pasteUpMorph."
  	| paintBoxBounds worldBounds |
  	self world paintingFlapTab ifNotNil: [:tab |
  		tab showFlap.
  		^ self
  			initializeFor: aSketchMorph
  			inBounds: boundsToUse
  			pasteUpMorph: aPasteUpMorph
  			paintBoxPosition: nil].
  	self setProperty: #recipientPasteUp toValue: aPasteUpMorph.
  	paintBoxBounds := self world paintBox bounds.
  	worldBounds := self world bounds.
+ 	aPasteUpMorph standardPalette ifNotNil: [:stdPalette | stdPalette showNoPalette].
- 	aPasteUpMorph standardPalette ifNotNil: [:palette | palette showNoPalette].
  	self initializeFor: aSketchMorph inBounds: boundsToUse 
  		pasteUpMorph: aPasteUpMorph 
  		paintBoxPosition: ((boundsToUse topRight extent: paintBoxBounds extent)
  			translatedToBeWithin: worldBounds) topLeft.

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