[Pkg] The Trunk: Network-tpr.264.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Jan 16 02:01:26 UTC 2023

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Network-tpr.264
Author: tpr
Time: 15 January 2023, 6:01:24.759824 pm
UUID: a2fe0a42-67a4-4cf0-a108-190641256a38
Ancestors: Network-ct.263

Remove some variable shadowing

=============== Diff against Network-ct.263 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FtpUrl>>retrieveContents (in category 'downloading') -----
  	"currently assumes directories end in /, and things that don't end in / are files.  Also, doesn't handle errors real well...."
+ 	| server contents pathString listing auth idx fileName serverName userName  |
- 	| server contents pathString listing auth idx fileName serverName userName password |
  	pathString := self pathString.
  	pathString := pathString copyFrom: 2 to: pathString size. "remove the leading /"
  	pathString last = $/ ifTrue:["directory?!!"
  		fileName := nil.
  	] ifFalse:[
  		fileName := pathString copyFrom: (pathString lastIndexOf: $/)+1 to: pathString size.
  		pathString := pathString copyFrom: 1 to: (pathString lastIndexOf: $/) - 1.
  	auth := self authority.
  	idx := auth indexOf: $@.
  	idx > 0 ifTrue:[
  		serverName := (auth copyFrom: idx+1 to: auth size).
  		userName := (auth copyFrom: 1 to: idx-1).
  		password := nil.
  	] ifFalse:[
  		serverName := auth.
  		userName := 'anonymous'.
  		password := 'SqueakUser'.
  	server := ServerDirectory servers 
  		detect:[:s| s isTypeFTP and:[s server asLowercase = serverName asLowercase]]
  	server ifNil:[
  		server := ServerDirectory new.
  		server server: serverName.
  	] ifNotNil:[server := server copy reset].
  	server user: userName.
  	password ifNotNil:[server password: password].
  	server directory: pathString.
  	fileName == nil ifFalse:[
  		"a file"
  		contents := (server getFileNamed: fileName).
  		server sleep.
  		^MIMEDocument contentType: (MIMEDocument guessTypeFromName: self path last) content: contents].
  	"a directory?"
  	listing := String streamContents: [ :stream |
  		stream nextPutAll: '<title>', self pathString, '</title>'; cr.
  		stream nextPutAll: '<h1>Listing for ', self pathString, '</h1>'; cr.
  		stream nextPutAll: '<ul>'; cr.
  		server entries do: [ :entry |
  			stream nextPutAll: '<li>';
  				nextPutAll: '<a href="', entry name encodeForHTTP.
  			entry isDirectory ifTrue: [ stream nextPut: $/ ].
  			stream nextPutAll: '">';
  				nextPutAll: entry name;
  				nextPutAll: '</a>';
  				cr ] ].
  	server sleep.
  	^MIMEDocument contentType: 'text/html' content: listing!

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