[Pkg] The Trunk: ShoutCore-tpr.97.mcz

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Mon Jan 16 02:11:22 UTC 2023

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ShoutCore-tpr.97
Author: tpr
Time: 15 January 2023, 6:11:20.569396 pm
UUID: 21b242ac-5b00-4348-9717-959d8c82baec
Ancestors: ShoutCore-eem.96

Remove some variable shadowing

=============== Diff against ShoutCore-eem.96 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>createTextAttributesForPixelHeight: (in category 'style table') -----
  createTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber
  	| result |	 
  	result := IdentityDictionary new.
  	result at: #default put: {}. "Required as fall-back for non-existing attributes."
  	self class themeProperties do: [:each |
+ 		| spec element emphasis newFont color |
- 		| spec element emphasis font color |
  		element := each first.
  		spec := self userInterfaceTheme perform: element.
  		spec isArray ifFalse: [spec := {spec}]. "Support color-only hints."
  		color := spec first ifNotNil: [:colorSpec | Color colorFrom: colorSpec].
  		emphasis := spec at: 2 ifAbsent:[nil].
+ 		newFont := spec at: 3 ifAbsent: [nil].
- 		font := spec at: 3 ifAbsent: [nil].
  		(element == #comment and: [self class enforceItalicEmphasisInComments])
  			ifTrue: [
  					ifNil: [emphasis := TextEmphasis italic]
  					ifNotNil: [
  						emphasis isArray
  							ifFalse: [emphasis := {emphasis}, {TextEmphasis italic}]
  							ifTrue: [emphasis := emphasis, {TextEmphasis italic}].
  				emphasis := emphasis asSet asArray "no double italic"]].
  		"Support for named text styles."
+ 		newFont isString ifTrue: [
- 		font isString ifTrue: [
  			| textStyle |
+ 			textStyle := TextStyle named: newFont.
+ 			newFont := textStyle ifNotNil: [textStyle fontOfSize: aNumber]].
- 			textStyle := TextStyle named: font.
- 			font := textStyle ifNotNil: [textStyle fontOfSize: aNumber]].
+ 		(self createAttributeArrayForColor: color emphasis: emphasis font: newFont)
- 		(self createAttributeArrayForColor: color emphasis: emphasis font: font)
  			ifNotEmpty: [:attrArray | result at: element put: attrArray]].
  	^ result!

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