[Release] Philosophical Discussion - The updates button is useless - discuss

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 9 12:45:40 UTC 2009

edgar De Cleene wrote:
> --- El jue 9-jul-09, Keith Hodges <keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk> escribió:
>>> Our target audience is not the end users, or even the individual
>>> programmer, it is the builder of interesting customised images, so they
>>> would be capable of using a less than single click solution.
>>> If this is the case then the builder of the customised image will have
>>> detailed knowledge of how he configured the image he published, and the
>>> update stream might be useful to him for passing on emergency fixes to
>>> his own users.
>>> Keith
> I think we need more people doing Squeak , not less people.
I re-read my posts to check that I did not say anything about less
people using squeak.

My point is that different users use different images, far more than in
the past.

I used to produce a Seaside-Magma-Pier image, this had a few users, but
the effort needed to maintain it and keep it up to the latest
specification is too much, since all three packages were moving targets.

We live in a world where seaside users pick up the seaside one click
image, developers may look to the -dev and -web images. You yourself
have developed a fun image, and this week I intend to release a
BeachSeaside and BeachPier image.
> Maybe it's me , but frankly i don't understand why we waste time
But Edgar have you ever read any of my suggestions/encouragements and
tried applying them?

For example I suggested that you might like to use
Sake/Packages/Universes to define the -fun image, in the same way as
Damien has to define the dev image.
>  and do not have nothing useful for another person who not was Keith
Quite the opposite, all of the work I have done is useful to others.
Perhaps you are looking in the wrong place since, much of it is in
loadable packages.
> Because wrong polythics and unclear rules most powerfuls teams like Ferrari, BMW, McLaren ,  Toyota was behind newcomers less powerful teams.
> I continue working in the SqueakLightII and MinimalMorphic images.
> This days i learning a lot from EToys 4.0 and Cuis.
> Also from John on Ipod related stuff.
> Claim having the most advanced Squeak and have videos to prove it.
> Do not claim is suited to all, free of bugs or being good Smalltalk.
> Tryng to synch with any Andreas decide.
Have you ever heard the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth"

> Meet me on irc or in Skype as edgardec.
> Edgar

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