[Seaside-dev] Issue 199 in seaside: review WAStandardFiles

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Dec 27 15:44:49 UTC 2008

	Status: Started
	Owner: renggli

Comment #3 on issue 199 by renggli: review WAStandardFiles

-- completed --------------------------------

The core of Seaside should not use or depend on any Javascript  

#shortcutJs creates the JavaScript used by WATagBrush>>addShortcut:.

I removed the complete library file and deprecated WATagBrush>>addShortcut:  
which is a null-op now. Using
#accessKey: it is possible to assign shortcuts without Javascript.  
Furthermore both script.aculo.us and JQuery
provide ways to assign keyboard handlers to DOM elements.

#miscJs creates JavaScript used by:
	- WACheckboxTag>>submitFormNamed:
	- WAFormInputTag>>setFocus

I've deprecated these methods and in-lined the Javascript one-liners. Both  
script.aculo.us and JQuery provide
sophisticated ways to submit forms and to set focus to elements.

	- WAAbstractTextAreaTag>>setSelectionFrom:to:

I removed the script and deprecated  
WAAbstractTextAreaTag>>setSelectionFrom:to: which is a null-op now.
There are different Prototype and JQuery plugins that provide similar  

#externalAnchorJs sets a target of _blank for any anchor that has a "rel"
attribute of "external". However, the JS function does not appear to be
called anywhere in Seaside.

I removed this library.

-- pending --------------------------------

#windowCss styles the HTML created by WAWindowDecoration.

WAWindowDecoration is only used in the context of the development tools,  
therefore it could be included
with WADevelopmentFiles.

#kalseyTabCss styles the HTML created by WASimpleNavigation

WASimpleNavigation is only used in the context of the WAStatus in  
Seaside-Squeak-Development. I suggest
to drop this class or move it over to Seaside-Squeak-Development.

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