[Seaside-dev] Issue 95 in seaside: Debugging errors in ajax callbacks not very accessible

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Jul 11 01:34:46 UTC 2008

Issue 95: Debugging errors in ajax callbacks not very accessible

New issue report by jaderholm:
With Seaside 2.8.2 the SUAutocompleterTest>>renderContentOn: method has a
section with:

html textInput
   id: 'text';
   value: text;
   callback: [ :value | text := value ].

if we change the last line to:
   callback: [ :value | text := value. 1 wrongMessage].

then the autocompleter will stop working, but neither IE, Firefox, nor
Squeak will display an error. In Firebug there's a POST response with the
walkback, but right clicking on it and choosing "Open in new tab" doesn't
work in Firebug 1.05.

Perhaps something can be done to make this type of errors easier to debug.

Issue attributes:
	Status: New
	Owner: ----
	Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

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