[Seaside-dev] Issue 95 in seaside: Debugging errors in ajax callbacks not very accessible

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Wed Jul 23 13:29:14 UTC 2008

Issue 95: Debugging errors in ajax callbacks not very accessible

Comment #5 by cdrick65:
Even without rendering, this is kind of problematic if a bloc 
evaluation causes an
error. I put a zero division in SUAutocompleter>>renderListOn:Of: and 
the error is
ignored. So it's due to the eror handler (seaside 2.8here). That be 
nice to have a
feedback for that.

WAWalkbackErrorHandler>>handleError: anError
	self open: anError.
	anError isResumable
		ifTrue: [ anError resume ]

WAWalkbackErrorHandler>>open: anException
	| answer |
	answer := WARenderLoop new
		call: (WAWalkback exception: anException)
		withToolFrame: false. ****answer inspect*****.
	answer ifTrue: [ SeasidePlatformSupport openDebuggerOn: anException ]

It's like open: is bypassed.If I put a halt in handleError, open: hang then...

Could we have something like:

[ "any js block" ] ifError: [:err :rcvr | "show seaside stack" ].

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