[Seaside-dev] Re: Lightweight sessions/contexts/callbacks in 2.9

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Sun May 25 16:40:26 UTC 2008

2008/5/24 Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemstone.com>:
> Dale Henrichs wrote:
>> Philippe Marschall wrote:
>>> Well, I think having a more awkward API that gives you more
>>> performance when you need it in general is a good thing (tm). But it
>>> must be worth it. Which means performance should be an order of
>>> magnitude greater and Seaside should really be the bottleneck.
> Significant gains is basically the challenge and the goal. At this point I
> only know that for a dead simple (and useless:) Seaside application, one can
> avoid creating session state on every click ... I imagine that there is a
> space between static pages and stateful components where "lightweight
> components" can find a place... As I said, I'm going to try to do the sushi
> store example in a "lightweight" style and see what kinds of problems I
> encounter.

Maybe Pier or SqueakSource are better examples, I guess they have more
"read-only pages" than sushi store. Pier has a lot of read-only
functionality that could as well achieved with static pages. Only at
some points, it kicks into dynamic mode. However Pier is quite an
unusual Seaside application. But it's generic nature might make it
easier to get it working as a "lightweight" application.


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