[Seaside-dev] Issue 268 in seaside: Introduce WAMessageSend

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Jan 3 15:18:08 UTC 2009

Comment #6 on issue 268 by jfitzell: Introduce WAMessageSend

Ok, it sounds like the only issue you really have here is with the name of  
the class then?

It sounds like there is agreement that Seaside should have a class that  
holds a receiver and a selector, and supports optionally
currying some or all of the arguments. #numArgs should therefore return the  
number of free arguments and the #value*
methods should operate on that basis as well.

> Because its definition is not meant to be the same as a message send. For  
example there should be no
distinction between receiver and arguments

I'm still not sure to what exact thing you are referring by the  
name "message send". I feel like you have some particular
association with the phrase "message send" that I don't which makes the  
name seem inaccurate to you; the first argument being
the receiver seems like an implementation detail.

The object we're talking about seems like a reification of the sending of a  
message (receiver, selector, arguments) so
WAMessageSend makes sense as far as I'm concerned but I'll tune out for now  
and let others chime in on the naming issue.

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