[Seaside-dev] Scriptaculous-Tests-Core-obi.20 and JQuery-Tests-Core-obi.50

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 16:29:19 UTC 2009

Previous versions of Seaside added the attribute


to anchor tags <a>, if there was no such attribute being specified. I
removed that default attribute because of the following reasons:

- It is not required for valid HTML/XHTML.
- It add a considerable amount of noise to JavaScript heavy sites that
don't use traditional href's, but onClick actions.
- I did not understand the exact purpose as it was never documented
(ok, I should have asked).

Now I learned from the commit comments of
Scriptaculous-Tests-Core-obi.20 and JQuery-Tests-Core-obi.50: "Use
cursor:pointer for anchors, otherwise on some browsers the anchors
with 'onClick' and without 'href' are using the text cursor instead."

Am I correct in assuming that my change caused this problem?
Furthermore, to what browser does this apply to? What is the desired
behavior, do we want to patch every CSS or add revert my change to


PS: The coding convention to stick with the existing formatting also
applies to CSS ;-)

Lukas Renggli

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