[Seaside-dev] Seaside-Flow

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 21:15:53 UTC 2009

With the latest commits to the Seaside 2.9 repository, continuations
are now fully optional. There are 3 new packages to be loaded in that

- Seaside-Squeak-Flow: Implementation of full- and
partial-continuations. Furthermore this package adds a method
extension to WAComponent that chooses what kind of continuations are
used. Currently we use partial continuations, which further reduces
memory consumption. Using partial continuations also allows us to
further optimize the request processing, as the WAProcessMonitor beast
is not needed anymore (not currently done).

- Seaside-Flow: Implements WAComponent>>#call:, WATask, and the famous
convenience methods.

- Seaside-Tests-Flow: Unit and functional tests for the flow functionality.

There are certainly bugs and changes to be expected, but unit and
functional tests pass.


Lukas Renggli

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