[Seaside-dev] JQuery tests and flow

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemstone.com
Fri Nov 20 01:25:04 UTC 2009

Actually only WAWalkbackErrorHandler is in Seaside-Development the others are related to the configuration browser.

It appears that the 4 classes are the only dependencies upon flow (I've analyzed and run through the unit and functional tests on both GemStone and Pharo ... okay not all of the functional tests, but they are known to be flow free:)...

It should be straightforward to split them out. So the $64 question is do you guys want them split out?

I will very likely be making my own split for GemStone, because I want folks to be able to use Seaside 3.0 on top of GemStone 2.3 and the way that flow has been isolated means that a lot of meaningful work can be done without requiring partial continuations...

----- "Dale Henrichs" <dale.henrichs at gemstone.com> wrote:

| In a GemStone image where I loaded Seaside-Development (modulo the
| Seaside-Flow dependency), the following components/plugins send #call:
| and require Flow:
| WAWalkbackErrorHandler
| WAAddDispatcherPlugin
| WAConfigurationBrowser
| WACopyDispatcherPlugin
| Note that WAConfigurationBrowser is in Seaside-Tools-Web. Presumably
| the rest of Seaside-Development does not need Flow.
| I haven't teased out what else would need to be moved if the above
| tools were packaged together.
| I will perform the same experiment in a Pharo-based Seaside 3.0 image,
| to see how much of Seaside-Pharo-Developmetn depends upon flow ...
| Dale 
| ----- "Dale Henrichs" <dale.henrichs at gemstone.com> wrote:
| | It turns out that Seaside-Development supplies
| WAPrettyPrintedDocument
| | which is used to display the html source for the page...Flow is not
| | needed at all ...
| | 
| | Offhand, I don't know which parts of Seaside-Development are truly
| | dependent upon Flow, but I assume that more than
| | WAPrettyPrintedDocument could be split out into a flow-free
| | development package...
| | 
| | I will spend some more time digging into this to see if I can find
| a
| | clean split ... 
| | 
| | Dale
| | 
| | ----- "Julian Fitzell" <jfitzell at gmail.com> wrote:
| | 
| | | On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Dale Henrichs
| | | <dale.henrichs at gemstone.com> wrote:
| | | >
| | | > ----- "Julian Fitzell" <jfitzell at gmail.com> wrote:
| | | >
| | | > | On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Randal L. Schwartz
| | | > | <merlyn at stonehenge.com> wrote:
| | | > | >>>>>> "Dale" == Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemstone.com>
| | | writes:
| | | > | >
| | | > | > Dale> I would think that if JQuery itself doesn't depend
| upon
| | | Flow,
| | | > | then the
| | | > | > Dale> tests or at least a subset should be independent of
| | Flow
| | | as
| | | > | well.
| | | > | >
| | | > | > I could disagree.  A testing environment might require test
| | | > | harnesses
| | | > | > that are not required for deployment.
| | | > | >
| | | > | > For example, does a running system require SUnit?  No.  You
| | need
| | | it
| | | > | only when
| | | > | > you are trying to test something.
| | | > | >
| | | > | > Similarly, tests for jquery could require Flow, where the
| | | package
| | | > | itself
| | | > | > for deployment does not.
| | | > |
| | | > | Yes, for example, all of our Functional Tests require the
| | | -Component
| | | > | package, even if what they're testing might otherwise not.
| That
| | | said,
| | | > | if we can have all or most of the JQuery functional tests
| | working
| | | > | without Flow (we did the same to the Functional tests by
| using
| | | > | #show:onAnswer: instead of #call:) that would definitely be A
| | | Good
| | | > | Thing.
| | | >
| | | > Is being "A Good Thing" the same as, go ahead and tackle it
| | before
| | | beta?:)
| | | >
| | | > I can take a look tomorrow and see if the majority of the tests
| | fall
| | | into that category...
| | | 
| | | If it's relatively easy, sure. :)
| | | 
| | | Julian
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