[Seaside-dev] WAMutualExclusionFilter

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemstone.com
Sat Nov 21 00:04:29 UTC 2009

For GemStone, I am going to have replace the implementation of WAMutualExclusionFilter with one that plays better in the GemStone environment. WAMutex end up being saved in the image with the session state, and there is a 'naked reference' to the owner process which when a debugger is opened in a development image, can result in invalid attempts to commit the semaphore that is (usually) ob the stack when you get a walkback ...

With multiple vms a semaphore doesn't cut it anyway .... if fact I can imagine a couple of different MutualExclusion filters that I may want to introduce.

So I am wondering what the approved techniques are for slipping that in would be ... it feels an awful lot like choosing the error handler ...

Which leads me to be thinking along the lines of how _a_ default error handler is defined by WAEnvironment ... which leads me along the lines of making it possible to have platform-specific control over WAEnvironment...

WAEnvironment current? It has the advantage of giving folks a place to hook in their own production/test/development environments and providing a guideline for what needs to be specified.

Having production/test/development environments would help to clean up the Seaside-Development dilemma, since one of the 'error handling' options for the environment could be flow-free ... 

Let me know what you think...


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