[Seaside-dev] WAFormCharEncodingTest

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Mon May 17 17:01:24 UTC 2010

2010/5/17 Michael Lucas-Smith <mlucas-smith at cincom.com>:
> ....
> How does this work in Pharo? The test* methods are in the superclass, why
> aren't they run in the subclass?

	"I should inherit from an Abstract superclass but not from a concrete
one by default, unless I have no testSelectors in which case I must be
expecting to inherit them from my superclass.  If a test case with
selectors wants to inherit selectors from a concrete superclass,
override this to true in that subclass."

	^self superclass isAbstract
		or: [self testSelectors isEmpty]

"$QA Ignore:Sends system method(superclass)$"


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