[Seaside-dev] commit messages

Julian Fitzell jfitzell at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 15:10:34 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Nick's going to think this is directed at him since he just committed, but
it's not; I've been observing this for a while now. :)

Would committers please do everyone else a favour and include at least *one
line* of description about the included change? The common pattern at the
moment seems to be to put the issue number in the commit message and the
package information in the issue, but this gives no clue what was done to
fix the issue. Particularly now that diffs in the emails are turned off,
this makes it basically impossible to follow what's going on without loading
every committed package and looking at the code.

A simple indication of what class/method you changed/added/deleted would be
a start. For example:

Fixed http://code.google.com/p/seaside/issues/detail?id=xxx
Added WAFoo>>bar, which wraps the call to super in an exception handler

Ideally, if it's not obvious, you'd also include a line or two about the
reason you made the fix you did.

This should only take you a few seconds and I (along with anyone looking
back at the code history in the future) will thank you.

Thank you! (see? :) )

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