[Seaside-dev] [Seaside] Build Process

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:42:54 UTC 2011

> You are already doing the #bleedingEdge builds, so that would only be useful
> from the perspective that Metacello will flush out dependency bugs that the
> current build process doesn't uncover. It would be nice if there were
> continuous development builds for all of the supported Pharo versions
> (whatever the list is) and adding Squeak builds would be nice, too.

It is the responsibility of the respective stakeholders to keep their
ports up-to-date. Different Hudson/Jenkins instances can interoperate
with each other, so we could combine the results of all build servers
at a central location. However, I am not willing to maintain builds
for platforms I don't care about.

> The most useful from my perspective would be a #stable build. The stable
> build could be used to produce the Pharo release artifacts: image, changes,
> on-clicks based on the configurations...Right now there is potential for
> discrepancies between the configurations and the release artifacts....With a
> hudson build using the confg there'd be no discrepancies.

I think it would make sense to have a parallel "stable" Metacello
based build that updates whenever the Metacello configuration changes.

> Pharo builds the stable Seaside release on Pharo1.2 only which AFIAK isn't
> supported by Seaside30 yet...

I don't think Pharo 1.2 stable is out yet, or did I miss something?

My Jenkins instance uses
http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download/stable which still points
to Pharo 1.1. As soon as this changes we will likely have to fix a few

Also note that Pharo itself has several builds (that include Seaside)
that are based on their development images:


Lukas Renggli

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