[Seaside-dev] Seaside-Gettext

Johan Brichau johan at inceptive.be
Sat May 21 13:44:56 UTC 2011


I am using Seaside-GetText and noticed that the 'pot' template exporter was not picking up the strings to which #seasideTranslated is sent.
This message is handy for translating attributes, while the #translate: message is targeting the inner text of a markup node. For example:

html jQuery this editable
	submit: 'ok' seasideTranslated;
	cancel: 'cancel' seasideTranslated;

So, I went ahead and added support to the appropriate method (see code below). Is there any change of seeing this in the distributed package?
And if I can help to do that, let me know.


	"self new translatedArguments"
	| searcher currentClass result innerMatchHandler matchHandler1 matchHandler2 |
	currentClass := WAValueHolder with: nil.
	result := GROrderedMultiMap new.
	innerMatchHandler := [ :node :literal |
			| key |
			key := MethodReference
				class: currentClass contents
				selector: node methodNode selector. 
			result at: key add: literal value ].
	matchHandler1 := [ :node :answer |
		| firstArgument |
		firstArgument := node arguments first.
		firstArgument isLiteral ifTrue: [innerMatchHandler value: node value: firstArgument]].
	matchHandler2 := [ :node :answer |
		node receiver isLiteral ifTrue: [innerMatchHandler value: node value: node receiver]].
	searcher := RBParseTreeSearcher new
		matches: '`@object translate: `#string' do: matchHandler1;
		matches: '`@object translate: `#string to: `@arg' do: matchHandler1;
		matches: '`#string seasideTranslated' do: matchHandler2;
		matches: '`#string seasideTranslatedTo: `@arg' do: matchHandler2;
	BrowserEnvironment new classesAndSelectorsDo: [ :class :selector |
		(searcher canMatchMethod: class >> selector) ifTrue: [
		| tree |
		(tree := class parseTreeFor: selector) notNil ifTrue: [
			currentClass contents: class.
			searcher executeTree: tree ] ] ].
	^ Array streamContents: [ :stream |
		result keysDo: [ :key |
			stream nextPut: key -> (result allAt: key) ] ]

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