[Seaside-dev] Re: Json, javascript-core and magritte json

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 15:39:44 UTC 2012

2012/2/3 Norbert Hartl <norbert at hartl.name>:
> Hi phillippe,
> I was talking to Nick about Magritte-Json and we discovered that there is a glitch in using seaside with javascript and magritte-json in paralllel. Magritte-Json implements GRObject>>#jsonOn: which (from a magritte-json point of view) should be implemented in Object. In Object and descendants javascript-core implements jsonOn: So after loading both the situation is that Object has a jsonOn: method from javascript-core, GRObject has one from Magritte-Json and GRSmallDictionary has again one from Javascript-core.

Ah, cr...

> What would be your idea how to solve this conflict? Thinking about it I don't find a solution to integrate both. I think at least one needs to step aside using method name prefix or the like. But maybe you have a _good_ idea how to solve it.

They should obviously not conflict. First I though one should be
renamed. However on second on thought wouldn't it be better to define
Magritte-Json in terms of Seaside-Json?

In addition:
 - Move #jsonOn: from Seaside-Javascript to Seaside-Json
 - make the argument of #jsonOn: a canvas like #renderOn: instead of a
stream (this removes the need for JSJsonStream)
 - If we do all of this then we probably should move Seaside-Json from
addon to core
 - While we're at it also move Seaside-REST to from addon to core
All of these things would apply to 3.1 only.


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