[Seaside-dev] cookie based sessions, RESTful urls no _k

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 20:14:36 UTC 2012

2012/1/31 Nick Ager <nick.ager at gmail.com>:
>> I know this is a loaded topic but what about Pier subclasses WASession
>> to get the behavior it needs?
> a subclass of WASession may solve the problem for Pier, though it would
> suffer from other problems; composability etc.

You know it's the 10s when everybody hates inheritance :-(

> However, the point I tried to make above is that this is a general Seaside
> problem - not specific to Pier, though Pier as a RESTful application exposes
> the issue.

Right. But my understanding is that from what Julian said there is no
generic fix because if you don't have a RESTful (probably the wrong
word) URL then the current behavior is correct. To me the problem
seems to be that we hack all these things into #initialRequest:
because that's the only real way we have of dealing with state in the
URL. To me the question is whether instead of putting another brittle
hack into WASession we should rather move things that don't really
need a session into a filter on session or application and have a
better way to initialize components from state from the request URL.
In general better support for applications that have state in the URL.
This kinda goes in the way of the "Window shopping mode" that David
Buck was talking about. A generic way of going form a session less
application to a session based application. You recently said you
wanted vision, there it is :-)


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