[Seaside-dev] Seaside 3.0.7

Dale Henrichs dhenrich at vmware.com
Wed Mar 28 23:31:17 UTC 2012

Nick it looks like you haven't updated the ConfigurationOfGrease, but there appear to be new packages for Grease?

Are these supposed to be used or are they just floating around?


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Nick Ager" <nick.ager at gmail.com>
| To: "Seaside - developer list" <seaside-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
| Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 2:40:33 AM
| Subject: Re: [Seaside-dev] Seaside 3.0.7
| Hi Dale,
| I've committed the new version ... and as I've tooled around I
| noticed that Seaside-Tools-OmniBrowser-lr.26 is not loaded and
| you've got Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser.pharoOB-NickAger.7 loaded
| instead of Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser-pmm.9 presumably this is
| because Lukas' changes breaks OmniBrowser in either Pharo1.3 or
| Pharo1.4 or is it something else ... OmniBrowser appears to be
| working in the image so I assume that it's the best we can hope for
| ...
| Yes I created a branch - it seems that longer term we need a better
| solution not involving OB .
| Besides the standard Swazoo test failures, the
| WAPharoDebuggerTest>>testNamedTempAt test failed on first run, but
| doesn't fail on a second attempt ... something subtle going on there
| ...
| Presumably Swazoo should be removed from the config and someone needs
| to figure out what's up with kom ... leave it in remove it? replace
| it with kom lite? I don't use any of these boys in Pharo, so I'm not
| the best one to make a judgement here.
| I created a 3.0.7 baseline - which seems to be missing from your
| configuration. The changes to the baseline are:
| spec for: #'common' do: [
| spec
| group: 'Core' with: #('Base' 'Development' 'RSS-Core'
| 'Javascript-Core' 'Prototype-Core' 'Scriptaculous-Core'
| 'JQuery-Core' 'JQuery-UI' 'Seaside-Email' 'Seaside-HTML5'
| 'Seaside-InternetExplorer' 'Seaside-Examples' 'RSS-Examples'
| 'Seaside-Tools-Web' 'Scriptaculous-Components' 'Seaside-Welcome'
| 'Seaside-Tools-OmniBrowser' 'Seaside-FileSystem' );
| => removed: 'Seaside-Swazoo' 'Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo'
| ---
| spec for: #'squeakCommon' do: [
| spec
| group: 'Core' with: #('Zinc-Seaside' 'Comet-Core' 'Comet-Examples' );
| group: 'Tests' with: #('Comet-Tests-Core' );
| group: 'OneClick' with: #('Base' 'Development' 'RSS-Core'
| 'Javascript-Core' 'Prototype-Core' 'Scriptaculous-Core'
| 'JQuery-Core' 'JQuery-UI' 'Seaside-Email' 'Seaside-HTML5'
| 'Seaside-InternetExplorer' 'Seaside-Examples' 'RSS-Examples'
| 'Seaside-Tools-Web' 'Scriptaculous-Components' 'Seaside-Welcome'
| 'Seaside-Tools-OmniBrowser' 'Zinc-Seaside' 'Comet-Core'
| 'Comet-Examples' 'Base Tests' 'Development Tests' 'RSS-Tests-Core'
| 'Javascript-Tests-Core' 'Seaside-Tests-Email'
| 'Seaside-Tests-Functional' 'Prototype-Tests-Core'
| 'Scriptaculous-Tests-Core' 'Scriptaculous-Tests-Components'
| 'JQuery-Tests-Core' 'JQuery-Tests-UI' 'Seaside-Tests-HTML5'
| 'Seaside-Tests-InternetExplorer' 'Seaside-Tests-Examples'
| 'Seaside-Tests-Tools-Web' 'Seaside-Tests-UTF8' 'Comet-Tests-Core').
| ].
| => removed Swazoo and Comache and replaced with Zinc
| ---
| spec for: #'pharo' do: [
| spec
| package: 'Seaside-Tests-Email' with: [
| spec requires: #('Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Email'). ].
| => added 'Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Email'
| ---
| These were the deliberate changes - it seems I inadvertently lost
| spec for: #'gemstone' do: [
| spec
| package: 'Seaside-RenderLoop' with: 'Seaside-RenderLoop.gemstone';
| package: 'Seaside-Tests-RenderLoop' with: 'Seaside-Tests-Render ]
| so I wouldn't recommend taking my 3.0.7 baseline as is.
| Thanks for the help
| Nick
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