[Seaside-dev] supported squeak/pharo/gemstone versions?

Paul DeBruicker pdebruic at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 05:00:27 UTC 2013

Hi - 

Because of changes (I think just to Grease, but am not sure) I can't load Seaside 3.0.8 from either the ConfigurationOfSeaside30 or ConfigurationOfSeaside3 into Pharo 1.3 or Pharo 1.4.  As a result I am going to get travis CI building Grease and then Seaside again and try to figure it out.

Once I get it set up for one version its not much more effort to get it to run for multiple versions.  I think I can use a local copy of Jenkins to pull in new versions of the Configurations from http://squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository and http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main

What versions of Squeak, Pharo, and GemStone should I test? 

Similarly what versions of Seaside and Grease are still relevant?  



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