[Seaside-dev] Focus

Diego Lont diego.lont at delware.nl
Mon Jun 2 12:27:45 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I must miss very simple, because I fail to set the focus of my element. I tried stripping my component, but still it does do nothing. I think the problem lies in the generated javascript.
This is the code that I use to generate it:
renderContentOn: canvas
	| textInput |
	textInput := canvas textInput.
	canvas document addLoadScript: 'document.getElementById("', textInput ensureId ,'").focus()'.
	textInput on: #userid of: self
And this is the resulting javascript:
	/*<![CDATA[*/function onLoad(){"document.getElementById(\"id1\").focus()";};/*]]>*/

When I look at this javascript, I see that my parameter (“id”) is encoded. This is probably why it does not find the element indicated …

Does anyone know how I can solve this?


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