[Seaside-dev] ZnSeasideStaticServerAdaptorDelegate

Johan Brichau johan at inceptive.be
Thu Sep 22 07:32:17 UTC 2016

Hi all, (cc: Sven)

I just started to use the ZnSeasideStaticServerAdaptorDelegate to replace our uses of Seaside-Filesystem (exposing external file directories in Seaside handlers) in the development environment.
The Zinc solution is really better, but I noticed it is a bit too liberal about throwing away error responses coming from the Seaside backend. 

Our application (and its API, which is a separate handler) responds different errors which should really be answered to the client.
The ZnSeasideStaticServerAdaptorDelegate tries to look for a file upon _any_ error coming from the Seaside backend and will eventually yield a 404 because it cannot find a file for the given url either.

I propose to change the code as shown below. A file should only be searched when the Seaside backend responds a 404 and if the file was not found, we just return the original error response.
This yields the expected behaviour in our case, which I think is not specific to our application.

What do you think?


handleRequest: znRequest
	"If the Seaside request processing apparatus returns an HTTP response with a 'not found' error
	check the filesystem for a file that matches the uri of the request, if found send the file if not send the original error."

	| response staticResponse |
	response := self adaptor process: znRequest.
	^ (response isNotFound and: [ response isAuthenticationRequired not ])
			ifTrue: [ 
				staticResponse := self staticDelegate handleRequest: znRequest.
				staticResponse isNotFound ifTrue:[ response ] ifFalse:[ staticResponse ] ]
			ifFalse: [ response ].

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