[Seaside-dev] Remove / rename Zinc-Seaside

Sven Van Caekenberghe sven at stfx.eu
Thu May 7 07:52:36 UTC 2020

> On 7 May 2020, at 09:07, Max Leske <maxleske at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I want to propose that we clean up the current situation with the Zinc-Seaside package. While it may not be much of a problem when we run tests or talk about the default setup it becomes a real problem when your baseline loads both Seaside3 and ZincHTTPComponents.
> The problem partly lies with Metacello (I already talked to Dale about it), which calculates the packages to load for a project by also including all loaded packages from that project, even when that package is not part of the
> loading instruction for the project. That means, when I load Seaside3, which loads Zinc-Seaside, and then ZincHTTPComponents, Zinc-Seaside will be loaded again from ZincHTTPComponents because Zinc-Seaside already exists in the image.

I seriously doubt that. Since Zinc-Seaside is *not* part of Zinc HTTP Components, I see no reason for it to be (re)loaded. If that does happen then there is a Metacello problem.

(BTW: just to be 100% sure, we are talking about the latest GitHub versions).

> There's no way to solve this issue in the baseline (not even with fake dependency chains). From my point of view we, therefore, have two options:
> - rename Zinc-Seaside in the Seaside3 image to Seaside-Zinc. That would be good because it matches the Seaside prefix (I think we should do this anyway). This would also make it possible for the Zinc-Seaside package to remain in the Zinc project if we decide we want that.
> - delete Zinc-Seaside from the Zinc project (I think we should do this too), to avoid confusion.
> I talked to Sven two or three weeks ago and he thought that "ownership" of Zinc-Seaside currently resided with the Seaside project. So the question is, is there any reason to keep Zinc-Seaside in the Zinc project?

Regarding the name change: I am not necessarily against it, but it will confuse people even more than you are confused now.

> Please let me know what you think. I'll be happy to provide the pull requests to both projects.
> Cheers,
> Max

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