[Seaside] state of the aubergine

Nevin Pratt nevin@smalltalkpro.com
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 21:20:01 -0600

Nevin Pratt wrote:

> One thing we need is a clean way to grab modified Dreamweaver html and 
> use it in a Seaside app.  Some minor manual modifications (edits) to 
> the html are OK, but we need to keep the required editing down to a 
> minimum. If we have to extensively hack the Dreamweaver html to make 
> it work, we lose our propoganda effect.

I might also add, stripping html out of the Dreamweaver output, and 
replacing it with a single line of SSP (Smalltalk) code, and then 
reusing the stripped out html in the Smalltalk image, fits very well 
within the guidelines required by my propoganda machine.  As long as it 
is very easy for the Smalltalk programmer to take the Graphic's design 
produced by the Graphic Artist (who will be using Dreamweaver 
primarily), and plug it into the backend, then it passes.

The point is that the hounds at work think that a programmer should 
*not* be doing the graphic layout of the web pages, but that should 
instead be done by a graphic artist (one with rudimentary, or very 
basic, html knowledge).  And, I think that is actually a very worthy 
goal (that is exactly why NeXTSTEP was always so pretty, in my opinion, 
because Steve Jobs had the same opinion that a graphic artist should do 
the UI).

The Java hounds at work are also using a high-overhead "Big Design Up 
Front" approach, and requiring a 10 inch stack of documentation to do 
anything.  That will also help to make it easy for Adam to keep ahead of 
