[Seaside] state of the aubergine

Kamil Kukura kamk@volny.cz
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 22:09:01 +0200

I am developing a web application for real estate agents. It is purposed 
as meeting point for the agents where they would have prepared 
advertisements from various sources. They would have a system for 
managing their own informations that would be private to them or to 
their companies. I am using PostgreSQL for storage but no 
object-relation mapping. I am quite new to smalltalk and OODB systems I 
know only from web pages. The database (object or relation) support in 
Squeak is quite primitive. I feel some simple generic layer for 
implementing database drivers is really missing. May be me need to study 
object-to-relation techniques little bit.
Anyway, the project si so lagged that perhaps investor will have enough 
and tells me good bye. And yes, I am in Czech Republic and I can live 
fairly good with $100 a week.

In my opinion Seaside is winning when it comes to really advanced web 
