[Seaside] Better protocol conformity

Avi Bryant avi@beta4.com
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:32:08 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Nevin Pratt wrote:

> Yes.  That's essentially what HttpRequest does.  It implements #host,
> which in turn is implemented as #propertyAt:, and if there is no such
> property, does 'self header at: '.
> I'm inclined to recommend that #host be added to IARequest in a similar
> manner, and possibly also #contentLength, #contentType, and #referer.

Sounds good to me.  As I said, I'd be surprised if you were directly
dealing with IARequest very often (and if you were I might wonder if there
were a better way of doing it).  But if you find you're using those, by
all means add them.