[Seaside] Re: Template caching

Nevin Pratt nevin@smalltalkpro.com
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:29:23 -0600

Avi Bryant wrote:

>On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Nevin Pratt wrote:
>>OK, I have a few more questions and comments:
>>1. Anybody know why 'IAPage class >> flushTemplateCache' also walks the
>>subclasses and flushes their template caches?
>Because the only reason I ever need to flush it is when making changes to
>the internals of Seaside, which affects all templates at once.  You
>shouldn't ever have to manually flush the templates in normal operation.
>Does that answer your other questions too?   Or am I missing something?
>Of course, there's nothing wrong with adding a method that just flushes an
>individual cache, I just wouldn't expect it to be used much.

Hmm, unless I've misunderstood something somewhere, then anytime you 
make a change to the template (typically found in the #html method), 
you've got to flush the template cache or the change isn't propogated, 
and thus you can't test your template change.  Otherwise the template 
cache just keeps holding on to your old IATemplate instance, which of 
course was built with your old #html.

Of course, I could be wrong, and could certainly test my hypothesis 
easily enough, but that is how it appears to me.
