[Seaside] Re: Template caching

Nevin Pratt nevin@smalltalkpro.com
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:57:40 -0600

Avi Bryant wrote:

>No, that would be a huge pain to work with.  Any time the #html method is
>changed (or any other, for that matter), the template cache for that class
>is automatically flushed.  If you're using files, you should be using an
>IAFileTemplate, which checks the modification dates to do the same thing.

When you 'accept' a method change (or add a new method), the class 
method #addSelector:withMethod: is called, which has been overridden in 
IAPage to flush the cache.  Fine.

But, if you *programmatically* change the #html, that doesn't happen, 
because it doesn't involve an actual method change, and thus 
#addSelector:withMethod: never gets called.

Now, the reason I don't used IAFileTemplate is because I don't want the 
template built directly from the file, which is what IAFileTemplate 
wants me to do.  I instead want to read the html from the file, then 
programmatically edit it (to handle a few html idiosyncracies 
automatically), then build the template.

Some of the automatic editing are things that, as I said previously, I'm 
not keen on propogating right now (I want to first learn the framework), 
so I haven't talked about them (yet).  I'm just experimenting right now.

But in any case, the point is, if your template html is programmatically 
generated, the caches don't seem to get flushed.  And I can see plenty 
of uses for programmatically generating the html.

Plus, I still think that removing an application should also flush the 
cache, and it does not appear to do so right now.

So, I still stand by my earlier suggestions.

But, like I say, I'm not *staunchly* standing by them.  I need to learn 
the frameworks better first.

