[Seaside] Support for CSS?

Kamil Kukura kamk@volny.cz
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:42:00 +0200

 >>Hmm, the case of sea:id="method:" also needs replacement. So perhaps
 >>underscore looks better:
 >>sea:id="method:" -> class="method_"
 >>sea:id="iterator/collection" -> class="iterator_collection"
 >How about / becomes -, and : just disappears?
 >I know ids are supposed to be unique, but I'd rather have the flexibility
 >of both class and id (ie, class specified manually, id generated
 >automatically).  sea:ids are supposed to be unique too, they just
 >never are in practice.  But in practice, browsers deal fine with
 >non-unique CSS ids too.  So I'm not sure whether we it's worth expanding
 >to class= instead of id=.
Oh, I think sea:id *is* perfectly unique as it identifies the
component's binding. In HTML document it is used rather as reference if
I'm not wrong in this. I see the goodwill intention of automatically
generated id, but on other hand I feel the effect of "microsoftish
advance". How script writers will treat us when they want to rely on
getElementById() DOM's interface?

One idea that come up in my mind is to use hyphen and unique number.
That is id="foo-123". Then one could assign style by using selector
[id|=foo]. But again, while this works in Mozilla/Netscape6 it doesn't
work with Explorer; life's really hard. But, anyhow, you are father :)
A bigger concern I have is name conflicts between subcomponents; since

 >they're all combined into one big HTML file, they lose any namespace
 >protection for ids and classes.  They could be prefixed, but that gets
Argh... yet another issue...
