[Seaside] seaside with mod proxy: mapping urls to applications

Avi Bryant seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:32:57 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Derek Brans wrote:

> Here's another related problem I want to solve:
> Let's say you have a site that is mainly static html, but there are a
> couple sections, like a calendar of events and a ticket-sales service,
> that are managed by Seaside.
> You want to be able to to get to either the calendar or the ticket-sales
> from a navigation bar on a static html page AND you want to be able to
> login once for both applications (session sharing between applications?
> Or one application that exposes two entry points?)

Probably one app with two entry points, combined with using cookies for
the session key (so you don't lose the session when you link out to the
static pages).  There's no explicit support for multiple entry points
(yet) but you can achieve it pretty easily by overriding
WASession>>unknownRequest: - something like

unknownRequest: aRequest
  aRequest actionKey caseOf:
    {['calendar'] -> [CalendarIndex start].
     ['tickets'] -> [TicketIndex start].
    } otherwise: [super unknownRequest: aRequest]

Which would catch urls like
