[Seaside] Newbie: how to embed an image?

Felix Franz fefr@gmx.net
Sat, 09 Mar 2002 22:22:43 +0100

Avi Bryant wrote:
> Seaside doesn't expect to serve static content itself - it expects to
> either be behind apache, or perhaps to have Comanche configured to serve
>>from a directory on a different port.  Either way, the url for content
> like images will not be relative to your Seaside application, it will be
> something like http://yourhost/seaside-images/image.jpg.
> Now, maybe there should be a way to serve images from within Seaside
> without setting up a separate server for static content, but this has
> worked out for me so far.
> This all make sense?
oh yes, thank you. I misunderstood "Document-root". I thought it is a 
directory on the server ...

