[Seaside] [BUG]? Couple of undeclared vars in 0.93

Avi Bryant avi@beta4.com
Thu, 30 May 2002 19:16:19 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Tim Rowledge wrote:

> Avi Bryant <avi@beta4.com> is claimed by the authorities to have written:
> > > and
> > > IAPage>callbacks: (looks a bit important does this one!)
> >
> > Mmm, yeah, that's cruft too.  Unsent message, kill it.
> Unsent? Not in my image - IATransaction>newViewContextAt: (called by
> IASession>viewPAge: -> IASession>[gotoPage:,handleProfile,handleView])&
> IAPageViewContext>root: (called by IATransaction>newViewContextAt: etc)
> These all seem to be called by pretty important sounding methods.... are
> we talking about the same thing?

Ahh, ok.  Well, unsent to IAPage; I believe the others are always sends to