[Seaside] Wish List (was Re: [Seaside] Browse Toolbar Link)

Adrian Lienhard seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 23:19:06 +0100

> Thanks, I'll clean it up.  Guess I'll be putting out a 2.05 today...
Short cycles ;-)

> > Btw: I like the enhancements (like the cookie support for session id).
> Good.  Anything on your wish list?


What I think will be import for many apps is a good support of forms.

Some thoughts: There are "rules" which can be defined for each input and
which are used to validate the form and maybe "convert" the input to the
right kind of objects.
This rules may be for example: "required", "minimum/maximum length", types
like string/number/date. In addition it should be possible to assign an
Error-Text which will be shown if the validation fails. Maybe there should
also be the possibility to create global rules (e.g. for: "input1 has to be
bigger than input2"). These rules may also be hierarchical (when one rule
fails then another will not be validated).
Other ideas?

But, there may also be more important things to do...(?)
I might do this form handling - but unfortunately not at the moment because
of time... ;-(

What is other Seasider's wish list?


Adrian Lienhard