[Seaside] [FIX] SeasideServiceSyncToSeaside2.3

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Tue Apr 8 22:06:32 CEST 2003

On Wed, 9 Apr 2003, Stephen Pair wrote:

> I seem to recall that Seaside used to have a method called
> #threadSafeValue: added to BlockContext.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Anyway, if
> one wanted to use a block with a pluggable http service, then I'll need
> to use some sort of mechanism like this.  To allow multple invocations
> of the block, I think I'll need to do something like:
> ----
> BlockContext>>threadSafeValue: arg
>     ^self copy fixTemps value: arg
> ----
> Why was that message dropped from Seaside?

Because Seaside no longer needs it.  It used to be that invoking a
continuation didn't properly terminate the current stack, so any blocks
that were in the middle of being executed couldn't ever be executed again.
Before I figured out what was really going on, I used #threadSafeValue a
lot to copy blocks before executing them.  When I fixed the bug in
continuation so that the stack got terminated, I was able to remove all
the sends to #threadSafeValue.

However, in this case you will indeed still need something like that,
because you're actually dealing with multiple processes evaluating the
same block at once, not just with continuation issues.


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