[Seaside] Using Dynamic Bindings in Seaside rendering

Derek Brans brans at nerdonawire.com
Fri Apr 18 13:42:41 CEST 2003

Using Dynamic Bindings you can tell all subcomponents of a component to use
that component for different things (like #myMainComponent or #myForm)

If you clamp the binding before you render your subcomponents, the bindings
seem to propagate all the way down through the component tree, even in the
component's callback methods.

Here I use it in the render method of an AttributeForm to tell it's
subcomponents that it is the attribute form.

    html form: [
        #myAttributeForm binding: self.
        Bindings clamp: [self renderFormContentOn: html].
    html submitButtonWithAction: [self submit] text: self submitButtonText]

This can help to solve the whole class of problems like containers and
top-level components.

Derek Brans
Nerd on a Wire
Web design that's anything but square
phone: 604.874.6463
mailto: brans at nerdonawire.com

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