[Seaside] WATree itemStack returning nil

Nevin Pratt nevin at smalltalkpro.com
Thu Apr 24 15:15:44 CEST 2003

Avi Bryant wrote:

>Nevin, as for your problems with WATree - do you happen to have any way
>for me to reproduce the bug?

No.  I almost *never* see it.  However, I saw it again about an hour 
ago.  Where I see it is in one of my components that holds a WATree.  My 
component's #renderContentOn: method asks the tree for it's current 
selection (which happens to be an item category-- an instance of 
ItemCategory), and then fetches and displays items that are for sale 
within that category.

I think it's possible that the probelem is not in your code.  One 
thought that crossed my mind is when I'm hot-swapping item categories 
(reinitializing and/or reloading from the database), there might be some 
WATree's from lingering component instances that are getting confused.

I have a custom subclass of WASession, called BBSession, basically just 
for handling the shopping cart.  I'll probably just override 
#handleError: to do something simple when an error is detected, and 
otherwise just ignoring the WATree issue for now.


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