[Seaside] Displaying Seaside Components in frames

Ben Schroeder bschroeder at procro.com
Thu Aug 21 15:28:06 CEST 2003

I wrote:

> Hi all,
> We've just started trying Seaside for a project we're doing 
> here where I work.  Thanks, Avi, Julian, and everyone else 
> for such a neat system.
> At one point in our project, we'd like to display a Seaside 
> Component in one frame and some image or PDF content in 
> another, but most of our application is not frames-based.  
> I'm not sure how to go from the non-frames part to the frames 
> part while maintaining the state of the program.
> Does anyone have any pointers on how to run a frameset in Seaside?

Well, I think I may have come up with a solution.  Here it is, both in
the hope that it might be useful and in case I've missed something subtle.

I responded with a WAGenericResponse that contained my frameset
HTML, including URLs to the image and to the next page of my
application.  The part that I was struggling with was what URL to
use for the next page.

It ends up that I could use WAHtmlRenderer>>#urlForAction: to do what
I needed (which makes sense now that I know).

Here's something like my code for creating the response.

	| response |
	response _ WAGenericResponse new
		nextPutAll: '<html><frameset rows="10%, 90%">';
		nextPutAll: '<frame src="';
		nextPutAll: (html urlForAction: [self call: PrintOrFax new]);
		nextPutAll: '" />';
		nextPutAll: '<frame src="';
		nextPutAll: self imageUrl;
		nextPutAll: '"/>';
		nextPutAll: '</frameset></html>'.

	self session returnResponse: response.

Ben Schroeder

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