[Seaside] Do not call #renderContentOn: directly (was: gotos with 2.3b?)

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa ragnar at linalco.com
Fri Jun 6 12:40:17 CEST 2003

On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 02:12:35AM -0700, Avi Bryant wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Ragnar Hojland Espinosa wrote:
> > I suppose goto is now #delegate: right?
> No, I'm pretty sure #delegate: (if it exists) would or should be a private
> method.  Is there no #goto: in 2.3?  (Can you tell I'm not somewhere that
> I can access the source? ;)

There Is No Goto.  ;)

call: aComponent
      ^ self delegateTo: aComponent during: [aComponent call]

delegateTo: aController during: aBlock
	    |value saved|
	    saved _ self delegate.
	    self delegate: aController.
	    value _ aBlock value.
	    self delegate: saved.
	    ^ value

delegate: aController
	  delegate ifNil: [delegate _ WAStateHolder new].
	  delegate contents: aController	  
I got a little confused there.
> To be honest, I'm not certain of the usefulness of #goto:.  I can't
> remember exactly what all the implementations have been, but mostly it's
> been a hook for further optimization - it just sends #call:, but
> since by using #goto: you're asserting that you don't expect it to return,
> in theory it could be changed later to be more efficient.
> Whether it's worth introducing the confusion of having both #call: and
> #goto: to support this hypothetical future efficiency gain, I'm not at all
> sure.  Thoughts?

I don't really mind either.  It's easier to express "purpose" using
#call: and #goto: but besides that..

Ragnar Hojland - Project Manager
Linalco "Especialistas Linux y en Software Libre"
http://www.linalco.com Tel: +34-91-5970074 Fax: +34-91-5970083

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