[Seaside] Convincing Web Application shops to use seaside

Keith P. Hodges keith.hodges at cheerful.com
Sat Jun 14 19:21:13 CEST 2003


I have started a wiki page called "Promoting Seaside" 
the idea being to promote the whole squeak-commanche-seaside package 
to be adopted in commercial web application environments.

For example - we know that squeak runs on all platforms, but others 
looking at seaside for the first time do not.

I am not saying we are at that stage yet, but will there come a time 
soon when we have a "standard" Squeak Image for developing web 
applications - stripped of eToys and Alice in Wonderland etc etc and 
loaded with database drivers, commanche, OSProcess, soap, xml, 
object serialisation etc etc. Something we could genuinely had over 
to a "design shop" and say "developing web applications is easy with 

thoughts anyone


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