[Seaside] Convincing Web Application shops to use seaside

Brian Brown rbb at techgame.net
Sun Jun 15 23:50:17 CEST 2003

Quoting Colin Putney <cputney at wiresong.ca>:

> Ooh. I have to disagree with that one. I became a Squeaker specifically 
> to use Seaside. Now that I'm here, I've come to appreciate Smalltalk. I 
> know that there are people out there using Python just because that's 
> how Zope is implemented. Ditto Java and WebObjects.
> Web applications are hard enough that (smart) people will be drawn into 
> a good framework no matter what language it's in. The trick is to 
> promote the framework, not the language. That's just an implementation 
> detail.

I have to agree with Colin on this one as well... I became a Squeaker looking
for the Holy Grail of cross platform development for the platforms I cared
about, for both desktop and web apps; it turns out that Seaside is becoming a
major player in that... but I digress. In former lives, I mostly did web
development, web infrastructure, or managed web teams; we frequently
experimented with various systems, both commercial and open source, regardless
of the specific language required from a programmer perspective, based on what
capabilities the platform promised. I personally think Seaside is able to hold
it's own in a lot of comparisions :)


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