[Seaside] action before value changing in forms?

Julian Fitzell julian at beta4.com
Thu Jun 19 00:24:54 CEST 2003

Avi will correct me if I'm wrong (and I could be since I'm playing 
bridge online while looking up this answer :) but it looks like you 
should be able to subclass WAControllerSession and override 
#responseWithUrl:callbacks: to call a notification on the root component 
(which I guess would have to pass it on).

Now it may be that we need to just add a mechanism for this.  Seems like 
we've had this before... can't remember if there was a reason for taking 
it out or if it just hasn't made it back in the refactoring.


Ragnar Hojland Espinosa wrote:
> I'd need to be able to execute a method or block before values change
> for the fields of a form.
> The reason for this is that I have to run 
>     "ExDB current" returns a GlorpSession singleton"
>     (ExDB current) register: company.
> with the original company right before the company object is changed
> so the GLORP unit of work doesn't get messed up when someone backs his
> browser.   Right now I've put it in initialize, but its certainly not
> the best place.
> Other alternatives welcome.
> ExEditCompany>>company
> renderContentOn: html
> 	html form: [ html table: [
> 		html tableRow: [
> 			html tableHeading: [ html text: 'Fax' ].
> 			html tableData: [ html textInputOn: #faxPhone of: company length: 25] ].
> 		html tableRowWith: [ html submitButtonWithAction: [ self onAccept ] text: 'Aceptar' ].
>         ] ]
> initialize
> 	|db|
> 	db _ ExDB current.
> 	(db hasUnitOfWork) ifFalse: [
> 		db beginUnitOfWork.	
> 	]
> company: aCompany
> 	company _ aCompany.
> 	(ExDB current) register: company.
> onAccept
> 	(ExDB current) commitUnitOfWork.
> 	self answer.

julian at beta4.com
Beta4 Productions (http://www.beta4.com)

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