[Seaside] The best combination of stuff for SeaSide?

Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org
Fri May 23 10:54:05 CEST 2003


  This is not exactly related to the Seaside project, but anyway...

  I just want to let you know that I have started experimenting stuff.
In short, I can now store/load string data in Japanese into/from
PostgreSQL database through GLORP mapping.

  What I did was:

  * Grab 3.4 image.
  * Install ANSI compatibility (ver. 12)  (I'm not sure this is
    mandatory; but it seemed to be required by PostgreSQL driver 0.9.)
  * Install Squeak multilingualization and do it the 3 lines in the
    workspace to appear.
  * File in the nextPutAll: fix attached.
  * File in GLORP 0.2.18.  This includes PostgreSQL driver 0.8.1.
  * That's why I'm not sure the relationship with the ANSI
    compatibility package.
  * made changes in the second attachment.

  The encoding for the string data is hardwired as EUC-jp, but it
should be easy to extend it to any other encodings.

  If some of you do similar stuff, please try this and let me know if
there are any problem.  I really would like to fix problems as early
as possible.

-- Yoshiki
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