[Seaside] HTTP Server Structure

Stephen Pair stephen at pairhome.net
Wed Nov 19 15:27:16 CET 2003

Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> On 18 Nov 2003, at 00:20, Nevin Pratt wrote:
>> Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> No, my question was, why make a subclass of WAKom instead of a 
>>> module/plug/whatever directly in Comanche ?
> To answer my own question: I now have Seaside, static file serving and 
> XML-RPC in one image, under the same port using this code:
> | ma xmlrpc seaside |
> ma := ModuleAssembly core.
> ma serverRoot: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Sites/') fullName.
> xmlrpc := XMLRPCHttpModule  new.
> ma alias: '/xmlrpc' to: [ma addPlug: [:request | xmlrpc process: 
> request]].
> seaside := WAKom default.
> ma alias: '/seaside' to: [ma addPlug: [:request | seaside process: 
> request]].
> ma documentRoot: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Sites/') fullName.
> ma directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
> ma serveFiles.
> (HttpService startOn: 9090 named: 'httpd') plug: ma rootModule
> This is very elegant, I like begin to like the heavily refactored 
> design that was confusing at first.
> Sven 

Actually, it can get more elegant than that.  If the XML-RPC and Seaside 
modules were both implemented as subclasses of ComancheModule, you could 
do something like:

| ma |
ma := ModuleAssembly core.
ma serverRoot: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Sites/') fullName.
ma alias: '/xmlrpc' to: [ma addModule: XMLRPCModule new].
ma alias: '/seaside' to: [ma addModule: SeasideModule new].
ma documentRoot: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Sites/') fullName.
ma directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
ma serveFiles.
(HttpService startOn: 9090 named: 'httpd') plug: ma rootModule

The Seaside and XML modules could also extend the ModuleAssembly class 
with new methods such that you could then refine this to something like:

| ma |
ma := ModuleAssembly core.
ma serverRoot: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Sites/') fullName.
ma alias: '/xmlrpc' to: [ma enableXMLRPC].
ma alias: '/seaside' to: [ma invokeSeaside].
ma documentRoot: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Sites/') fullName.
ma directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
ma serveFiles.
(HttpService startOn: 9090 named: 'httpd') plug: ma rootModule

The #addPlug: method is intended to be used where you really need to 
plug in a Block or MessageSend (i.e. you need to adapt to something that 
doesn't implement the ComancheModule protocol).

- Stephen

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