[Seaside] onAnswer error on embedded component

LK s002 at landr.net
Wed Jul 21 16:26:19 CEST 2004

I'm calling a grid object from withing my may renderContentOn method.  I 
get this error below.  Do I need an #onAnswer method?  What would I put 
in it?

  MessageNotUnderstood: PMLogsView>>onAnswer:

    * PMLogsView(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #onAnswer:

          self 	a PMLogsView
          aMessage 	a Message with selector: #onAnswer: and arguments:
          #([] in PMLogsTask(WAComponent)>>show:onAnswer:)

    * PMLogsTask(WAComponent)>>show:onAnswer:

          self 	a PMLogsTask
          aComponent 	a PMLogsView
          aBlock 	a Continuation
          delegation 	a WADelegation
          event 	nil
          v 	nil

    * [] in PMLogsTask(WAComponent)>>call:

          self 	a PMLogsTask
          aComponent 	a PMLogsView
          cc 	a Continuation

This is the main render loop:
PMLogsTask>>renderContentOn:  html

    |db |
    db _ self connect.
    html cssId: 'banner'.
    html table: [
        html tableRowWith: [
            html divNamed: 'title' with: self title.
            html divNamed: 'subtitle' with: self subtitle.
    self call: (PMLogsView new renderContentOn: html and: db).
    db logout.
This is the embedded object.
PMLogsView>>renderContentOn: html and: db
    | items |
    html table: [
        html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'View all Log Entries']].
    html table: [ items _ db root at: 'logs'.
            items do: [:i |
                html tableRow: [html tableData: [i type ].
                    html tableData: [i entryDate].
                    html tableData: [i startTime].
                    html tableData: [i endTime].
                    html tableData: [i entryText].
        html tableRow: []

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