[Seaside] Add button not showing it's page

s002 s002 at landr.net
Mon Jul 26 18:34:17 CEST 2004

I have an object that shows a record from a GOODS database.  I created a 
link to 'add' a new record.  When I click on the link, the screen flashes 
and stays  at the recordlist page.  Can someone help me. 

PMLogsView>>renderContentOn: html
	| |
	html table: [
		html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'View all Log Entries'; space; space; 
			html tableData: [html anchorWithAction: [self renderAddOn: html] text: 
	html attributeAt: 'cellspacing' put: 0; attributeAt: 'cellpadding' put: 5; 
attributeAt: 'border' put: 2.
	html table: [
			allRecords do: [:i |
				html tableRow: [
					html tableData: [html anchorWithAction: [self delete: i from: db] text: 
					html tableData: i type.
					html tableData: i entryDate.
					html tableData: i startTime.
					html tableData: i entryText.
					html tableData: i endTime.
		html tableRow: []
and here is the
PMLogsView>>renderAddOn: html
" show add new log form"
	aRecord := PMLogItem new.
	aRecord initialize.
	html form: [
	html table: [
		html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'New Log Entry']].
	html text: 'TEST NEW ENTRY PAGE'.
	html text: aRecord entryDate.]

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