[Seaside] Changes in GOODS not showing in browser

LK s002 at landr.net
Fri Jul 30 16:01:37 CEST 2004

Thanks for all the support.  You guys are the greatest!  
I now have an app that will add and delete records from a GOODS 
database.  My problem now is they added records are  not showing  in the 
PMLogsView when I refresh my browser.  The user must close and re-open 
the browser to see the changes.  Is there a way to fix this?


Relevent code is below:

PMLogsTask>>renderContentOn:  html

    |db |
    html cssId: 'banner'.
    html table: [
        html tableRowWith: [
            html divNamed: 'title' with: self title.
            html divNamed: 'subtitle' with: self subtitle.
    html render: pmLogsView.
    html text: 'testing'.

PMLogsView>>renderContentOn: html
    | |
    html table: [
        html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'View all Log Entries'; 
space; space; space.]].
    html anchorWithAction: [self call: PMLogAddItem new] text: 'Add'.
    html attributeAt: 'cellspacing' put: 0; attributeAt: 'cellpadding' 
put: 5; attributeAt: 'border' put: 2.
    html table: [
            allRecords do: [:i |
                html tableRow: [
                    html tableData: [html anchorWithAction: [self 
delete: i from: db] text: 'Del'].
                    html tableData: i type.
                    html tableData: i entryDate.
                    html tableData: i startTime.
                    html tableData: i entryText.
                    html tableData: i endTime.
        html tableRow: []
PMLogAddItem>>renderContentOn: html
" show add new log form"
    item := PMLogItem new.
    item initialize.
    html form: [
        html table: [
            html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'New Log Entry'].
            html tableRow: [html tableData: 'Date'. html tableData: item 
            html tableRow: [html tableData: 'Time'. html tableData: item 
            html tableRow: [html tableData: 'Type'. html tableData: 
[html selectFromList: #('DRE' 'SA' 'DBA' 'TEST') selected: (item type) 
callback: [:i | item type: i]]].
            html tableRow: [html tableData: 'Entry Text'. html 
tableData: [ html textAreaWithValue: 'log entry' callback: [:i| item  
entryText: i]]].
        html submitButtonWithAction: [self add: item] text: 'Save'.
PMLogAddItem>>add: aRecord
    db _ PMDatabase new connect.
    self table: (db root at: 'logs').
    table add: aRecord.
    db commit.
    db flush.
    db logout.
    self answer.

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