[Seaside] Need help with first steps

radoslav hodnicak rh at 4096.sk
Fri Jun 4 09:31:32 CEST 2004

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Karel Zelnicek wrote:

> Hi,
> I spent hours and hours with inspecting classes of Seaside when I was
> trying to create my own web application, but with no result. How can I
> make my subdir (e.g.: where would be my
> application or replace 'seaside' with something else or nothing ?How can
> I persuadate Squeak not to create config, counter and other subdirs ?

You definitely want to keep config. It's used for lots of things, for
example you can add and delete applications there. Just make sure your
root component has the class method #canBeRoot answering true, otherwise
it won't show up in selections.

> And I want to use Squeak not web-based interface. I comprehend how to
> make my own class that represent my application, but I don't know how to
> start it.

Kinda strange not wanting to use web interface when developing web apps,
but anyway

YourRootComponent class >> initialize

self registerAsApplication: 'myapp'

Call initialize manually once, the system will only execute it when you
load code. After that it's http://server/seaside/myapp (those are
applications, not subdirs)

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