[Seaside] no HTML entities for 8bit characters in UTF-8 encoding

Yoshiki Ohshima Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org
Sat Jun 26 11:38:37 CEST 2004


> > In order to have UTF-8 encoding working, there must be no expansion to 
> > html entities for characters over 128. I mean HtmlCharacters 
> > collection in WAAbstractHtmlBuilder. In fact, it is only okay for 
> > HTML's default ISO-8859-1 (western europe) enconding.
> So, what do we do about this?  Make no assumptions about the encoding 
> whatsoever, and just make sure that we replace  < > & with entities?  
> That seems the only option, right?

  Converting the html based on the encoding field in meta-entity or
HTTP response and then replace the HTML-encoded characters would be
the right thing.

  There are some attemts to make Seaside capable to handle Japanese
strings.  After 3.8 getting on the way, we should consolidate those.

-- Yoshiki

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