[Seaside] Persistent object framework

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Thu May 13 01:36:22 CEST 2004

On May 12, 2004, at 12:03 PM, Jason Dufair wrote:

> So now that I have my app working with Seaside and GOODS, I'm wondering
> if there's a commonly used persistent object framework for squeak.  I
> just left a project at work where we had a very spiffy framework in
> VisualWorks for Oracle.  Is there even a need for such a thing with an
> OODB?  Certainly there is some common functionality that could/should 
> be
> extracted out into a framework, no?

The thing that comes to mind, with an OODB, is indexing.  This is 
something that RDBs do for you, but that you need to handle on your own 
in an object setting.  The BTree class I put on SqueakMap is a good 
building block, but I'd like to build out something a little more 
sophisticated, that would manage several indices at once and could be 
told to update them all at once for a given object.  I'm thinking of an 
interface something like this:

mgr := IndexManager new.
mgr indexSelector: #name of: Person.
mgr indexSelector: #startDate of: Project.

person := Person new name: 'Avi'.
mgr update: person.
project := Project startingToday.
mgr update: project.

people := mgr findAll: Person where: #name is: 'John'.

person name: 'Avram'.
mgr update: person.

Make sense?


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